Allegri: “With Bonucci already clear in February: either you leave or you stop”

The Juventus coach in an interview with Dazn: “He was an extraordinary player for me, I’m sorry it ended like this, he will remain in Juve history”

John Albanese

– turin

“I’m sorry it ended like this, but we have been clear with Leo since last February when the club and I spoke to him several times telling him that next year would be a year in which he would have to decide to continue elsewhere or quit”. Max Allegri breaks the silence and for the first time explains his point of view on the Bonucci case. Interviewed exclusively by Dazn, the Juventus coach tried to clarify the choice to exclude his former captain from this year’s project.

afraid to quit

“When you’re 35-36 years old and you’ve made Juve history, Leo played 500 games and even went on the pitch with a limp… – continues Allegri -. He gave a lot to Juve and Juve gave a lot to him. He has to make an important decision and not look at a year, but at what the future is because he is young. What I say now I said in unsuspecting times. It’s normal, when a champion like him reaches the end of his career, that there’s a fear of quitting. I wasn’t a champion, I had a normal career and it was easy for me to quit. The dynamics are the same, the difference is that one must have the ability to accept first. If he accepts first it’s good for himself, if he accepts later he gets bored. For me he was an extraordinary, important player. He will remain in the history of Juve, 500 games in Juve have been made by a few ”.


The interview given to Dazn will be broadcast in its entirety on August 31st, only a few excerpts were broadcast on Supertele. Allegri also responded on Chiesa, one of the valuable pieces of his squad: “Chiesa over there in the corner (the interview is carried out inside the dressing room of the Allianz Stadium and reference is made to the player’s place, ed). Grounded? No, he has full confidence now. I saw it this year when he came back, he has a different leg. He has to convince himself that he’s a striker, then every now and then he goes outside or in the middle, he has to score. He is a player who when he shoots on goal is boring, he hurts “.

naples and shoulders

On the Scudetto against Napoli: “It is an element of wealth, above all they were very good. There has been a planning of the company. Everything starts from Benitez until last year with Spalletti’s victory. He played very well, Osimhen who is among the strongest strikers in the world shifts the balance, there’s nothing we can do”. And on Spalletti, coach of the national team: “Luciano is one of the best there is in Italy, his career proves it, the way he makes the teams play and the results he has achieved. It was right to give the Mancini post to Spalletti, crowning the Scudetto and the career he has made ”.
