Allegri after Sassuolo-Juve: “An important victory, the goal is approaching”

The Juve coach is very tight: “I was angry at how we managed a couple of balls in the final. First half was soft, better the second. On Sunday we have an important challenge.”

“It was a good victory, very heavy for the standings. We saw a nice Sassuolo who played a good game. In the first half we were soft, they got in easily despite some favorable situation. Better in the second half, the boys need to to congratulate “: this is how Juve coach Max Allegri, who left the pitch a few seconds before the final whistle. “I was angry about how we managed a couple of balls in the final, we had to do better on the defensive phase. These are moments that even the youngest must understand”, he explained.

The final nervousness

“There were 30 seconds left and in those moments there you have to chase, not stay above the line of the ball, because this is an important victory and we took a good step forward to keep fourth place and we are also within a point of Napoli that no one is there for. he was hoping, neither did we “, thus also explaining his nervousness at the end of the match, when he left the pitch 30 seconds from the final whistle. “I think that if we have reached this point it is also for our disastrous start, so there must be no regrets. Soccer is sometimes the opposite of what you show on the pitch, tonight the boys were good against a Sassuolo that we knew would have played so well, “he added.

Objective approaching

“We had accumulated a bit of tiredness after the cup match against Fiorentina. We have a lot of people out and there are always the same people playing. We have a good advantage over the fifth, we are a point behind Napoli and we must continue to work to center the match. ‘goal. On Sunday there is an important challenge. With 4 days to go, what counts is winning the games, nothing else. Tonight we made the performance we were supposed to do.


Allegri this season had to deal with several injuries and tonight in Reggio Emilia too there were many absences: “Danilo had stopped for 4 days, Cuadrado stopped yesterday and De Ligt was out at the last minute. We have Locatelli and Arthur out of time, as well as McKennie and Chiesa. I did what I could, but I didn’t want to commit suicide to try certain things. At one point we went 3 back to develop the game more on the outside, because going in front of the defense is not it was easy”.

About Vlahovic

“In the second half, the substitutes did well. Dusan is young, he has little experience, he demands a lot from himself but he has to remain more serene and calmer, he has to find a balance. Sometimes he misses balls due to the too much frenzy he is wearing, to that goes a little calmed down “

Market and future

“I don’t think that many players need to be changed in the summer because we have values. I think the team has done a good job. Starting from scratch every time would be a problem. You need to put some players in who you need, maybe 2-3 I don’t know, but without changing everything “.
