Allegri after Juve-Villarreal: “Nothing to blame the team”

“The boys did well for 75 minutes – explained the Juventus coach after the knockout -, then they placed 9 behind the ball line and were able to exploit the episodes”

“The team did well for 75 minutes – explained the Juve coach after the defeat against Villarreal and the elimination from the Champions League – then they got into 9 behind the ball line, they didn’t even try counter-attacks anymore and they were able to exploit the episodes. We are disappointed but I have nothing to blame the team on. ” “Talking about failure is intellectual dishonesty – continues Allegri -, and I can’t help it. I know the value of the team. I always keep my feet on the ground and above all I value what I have in my hand.”

The delusion

“We accept this defeat, bad, sorry, but the boys played a great game and I can’t tell them anything. The disappointment is great, for them and for the fans, but this is football. Congratulations to Emery, he made the right game. Sometimes the episodes are in favor, other times against. In the second half Villarreal wanted to take the game to extra time or take advantage of the episode that followed. We were naive about that episode and then we lost the size of the field by taking two more goals “. Allegri did not want to specify who he was angry with at the referee’s triple whistle.
