all the reasons why Ferrari can win the title

The great start of the season at the Cavallino makes you dream. Driving the Monegasque and the qualities of single-seater and team, add up the problems of rivals and the few chances of recovery due to the budget cap, the cost ceiling. And the gap in points in the standings, after 3 races, is already substantial

Giusto Ferronato

April 11, 2022

– Milan

Three races and a balance of two victories, two seconds and a third place, two pole positions, three fastest laps in the race that mean three additional points in the standings. Domain. The Ferrari returning home from Australia, also packing the trophies of the Melbourne victory, looks with enormous satisfaction at the rankings of a World Championship that could not have started better. If it is true that three clues prove it, the Cavallino can dream and it is not unrealistic to be able to start talking about the World Cup. Which does not mean having already won it, because the championship is very long and the opponents will not give up easily. But there are at least 5 good reasons to believe that the Cavallino can win.
