All scollen in Indiase hoofdstad densely vanwege enormous luchtvervuiling | Buitenland

All school in the Indiana Hoofdstad New Delhi zullen vanaf day shall be considered as gevolg van een gevaarlijk hoge grad van air transport. The oorzaak is located in the north of the country, because there are a lot of land building associations on the aisle zijn. In addition, the use of the vehicle ensures that there is a separate air transport. “We sluiten de scholen tot de situatie bebetert”, later de autoriteiten weten. “Geen grandchild moet op welke manner dan also lijden.”

Because of the second air quality control, IQAir requires the level of gevaarlijke PM 2.5-deeltjes 25 to be higher than the maximum level that is vastly laid out by the Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. Elke winter, when the air is too hot, hangs a lot in toxic crap both in Hoofdstad.


New Delhi was consequently rangschikt until the most vervuilde stenden ter wereld. In 2020, a Lancet study published jaarlijks 1.67 million doden toe aan air traffic in India. Bijna 17,500 slachtoffers many in de hoofdstad. The authorities of Delhi make regular plans because of the vervuiling terug te penetrate, but the dead now have little effect.



Landbouwverbrandingen in states as Pendjab zijn in principe verboden, maar de boeren trekken zich daar niets van aan. Ze refuse then also over te steps op less annoying activities. According to the Indiase agentschap that the air quality is monitored, the country building branding is responsible for the total amount of air traffic.


