All miss terecht na treinongeval in zuiden van Duitsland | Buitenland

Two days ago, when there was a regional office in the building of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the south of Germany, it was never missed for a long time. That’s where the local politics of the day come from.

Later that day what he still missed. He existed nog onduidelijkheid over a lot, omdat de sea dan vertig gewondden to verschillende ziekenhuizen were brought. He was not supposed to be there because he still had a slaughterhouse or a van de kantelde rijtuigen.

However, all canteens reported as missing will be localized on the same day, based on the wording of local politics.

Bij het treinongeluk in de Beierse gemeente Burgrain zijn vijf mensen om het leven come. Volgens Duitse media bevinden zich bij de slachtoffers also two Oekraïense vluchtelingen, who stayed in de buurt bij guest families.

Vijfde dode na treonpontsporing in the south of Germany
