All in a short time, on rai 2 the life of Franco Califano

C.who knows if Franco Califano would have considered boredom or joy, All in a small timethe documentary film that traces his history and his career as an artist. Multifaceted, counter-current and absolute protagonist of an exaggerated life, the author of some of the timeless successes of Italian music including Minuetwill be told tonight on Raidue at 21.20.

Zampaglione pays homage to Califano with a birthday video gift

All in a small timethe docu-film

Co-produced by Camaleo and Rai Documentari, directed by Massimo Cinque and Roberto Cipullo, All in a small time is an immersion in the world of the author of Everything else is boring. It does so by entering the Ardea House Museum dedicated to him where all his memories are kept: the piano, the photographs, the prizes, the scores and the lyrics of his songs, the honorary degree in philosophy. And also a note from Mina in which the artist busts, after having recorded a piece “which is yours too”urges him not to end up in jail again: “… make sure you never go back there, please.”

The story from the voice of Francesco Montanari

The narrator of the doculfilm is that of the Roman actor Francesco Montanari. In the cast there is also the journalist Giuseppe Cruciani who will tell some anecdotes about the life of the singer-songwriter and poet. Carolina Rey is entrusted with the reading of some of the prolific author’s texts. To the docufilm also attended by Fortunato Cerlino and the musician and arranger Alberto Laurentihistorical friend and co-author of the texts of Califano, for all the Caliph and for the Romans Er Califfo.

Franco Califano in 1978. (Getty Images)

Franco Califano, an exaggerated life

Part of the vexaggerated ita by Franco Califano is contained in his nickname: Califfo which, however, it is said he did not love so much. On the contrary, he loved many women and was a Latin lover. Among those with whom he has had a known relationship are also Mita Medici, Patrizia de Blanck and Eva Grimaldi. At 19 he also had (briefly) a wife, Rita Di Tommaso, mother of his only daughter Silvia.

In addition to the many adventures, Califano in life also had some legal misadventures. In 1970 he was arrested for drug possession. In 1984 he was involved by a repentant of the Camorra and was arrested, together with Enzo Tortora, with the accusation of criminal association of a Camorra style and drug trafficking. He told it all in 2008 in his autobiography, Without handcuffs.

An archive photo of the singer-songwriter Franco Califano with Cicciolina. (HANDLE)

A particular birth and a rigid childhood

That his life would have been exaggerated, probably, could have been understood right away. In fact, his birth was already daring. His mother gave birth to him in flight over the skies of Libya where in 1938 his family lived returned to Italy due to the Second World War. His childhood was very rigid: the family sent him to study in some colleges run by ecclesiastics. But him he immediately fell in love with the nightlifeso much so that he finished high school by attending an evening course to be able to sleep in the morning after dawn.

Author, singer and actor

He began as a poet, he posed for photo novels, but he quickly turned to song because writing poetry didn’t give him a living. He was the author of songs brought to success by many great artists. Beyond Minuetwritten for Mia Martini, he signed The music is over for Ornella Vanoni, A big love and nothing more for Peppino Di Capri. The most famous piece of him is Everything else is boringwhile many know A small time (which also gives the title to the documentary) in the version of Tiromancino.

He has also participated in three Sanremo Festivals, the last time in 2005 with I do not exclude the return. The same phrase is engraved on his tombstone, where he was buried a year after his death from cardiac arrest. It was March 30, 2013.

