All Gamper tickets sold out, without twelve international players


08/23/2023 at 15:46


Barcelona will play this Thursday the women’s Joan Gamper Trophy against Juventus in Turin at the Johan Cruyff Stadium

All available tickets have been sold out, despite the absence of twelve international players

Barcelona will play this Thursday (7:00 p.m.) the Women’s Joan Gamper Trophy against Juventus in Turin at the Johan Cruyff Stadiuma match that will be marked by the absence of twelve international players from the Barça first team, but with the great news that all available tickets are sold out.

the catalan team will play the third friendly of the 2023-24 preseason and it will without some of its key playersso the usual official presentation of the squad will not take place due to the recent completion of the World Cup.

Of the eighteen Barça World Cup winners, only six have joined Jonatan Giráldez’s orders: Ingrid Engen, Caroline Graham, Asisat Oshoala, Giulia Dragoni -with a subsidiary record-, Ana-Maria Crnogorčević and Esmee Brugts, the team’s latest signing.

Thus, the third women’s edition of the trophy will not have the nine Barcelona world champions in the green (Cata Coll, Irene Paredes, María Pérez, Laia Codina, Ona Batlle, Alexia Putellas, Aitana Bonmatí, Salma Paralluelo and Mariona Caldentey), nor with the other members of the World Cup podium, the British Keira Walsh and Lucy Bronze, and the Swedish Fridolina Rolfö.

Despite the absences due to rest, coach Jonatan Giráldez Yes, it will have available all the first team players who have already joined training on August 1 and who have not played any international event: Sandra Paños, Gemma Font, Marta Torrejón, Mapi León, Claudia Pina, Patri Guijarro, Jana Fernández and Bruna Vilamala.

The current European champions, who already They have won the two friendly matches this August -AEM Lleida (3-0) and Montpellier (2-0)-, they will seek their third consecutive victory at the Gamper just before traveling to Mexico, from August 26 to September 2, where they will play the last two games of the preseason.

‘Sold out’ for the Gamper party

It is expected that the stands of the Barcelona stadiums will be full, as the club has confirmed that all the tickets have been sold to witness the meeting.

In statements to the club’s media, coach Jonatan Giráldez commented that Juventus It is about “a historic team” and that the game has “a good poster”despite the fact that the Turin team also has several absences of World Cup players.

The Galician coach, likewise, took the opportunity to praise the new Barcelona incorporation, Esmee Brugts, of whom he said thatShe is a player to be exploited “who can play different roles” and who “will contribute things” that the team did not have.
