All Eyez On ME: Our new video format for rap newcomers can be seen here



Releases are a dime a dozen, but when do you as an artist really have the chance to present yourself completely authentically outside of your own channels? with All Eyez On ME we want to fill a gap and offer new artists the opportunity to step into the spotlight. True to the motto: headlights on and let’s go!

what is All Eyez On ME?

with All Eyez On ME we want to offer new rap talents on social media the chance to introduce themselves and their music and, with a bit of luck, make it big. Admittedly, it’s not easy for us either to keep track of all the newcomer and up-coming acts. At the same time, however, it is just as difficult for new artists to assert themselves in the dense music jungle without a professional promotion. Unfortunately, we don’t have the one recipe for success in your career, but we do have the necessary reach to draw the attention of a larger audience. Because every All Eyez On MeThe episode will be visible on our social networks and will be properly advertised there. The selection for each episode is made by ME-Rap intern Katharina Liedtke.

First up: Donna Savage

The first episode of our newcomer format is a real hit: the rapper Donna Savage is, as she says herself, “Viennese through and through” and has meanwhile established herself as a true pearl of the underground German rap scene. With her authentic manner and smoky voice, the Austrian doesn’t give a damn about any role clichés and genre categories. With her debut single “JAJA” she was already able to celebrate her first successes in 2021. Now Donna Savage is following suit and is claiming her place in the rap Olympus with her latest track “Trite”.

Stay tuned for the next episodes of All Eyez On ME and feel free to suggest rappers for the format!




