all between two waters, by Josep Cuní

We know, by tradition and regret, that Water is a natural but scarce good. We know, from books and history, that the lack of it has caused wars and its necessity famines. we have seen up close family confrontations due to unequal distribution of inherited land according to their access to the sources of life. We are aware of what the drought represents, because this is a prone country. So much so that its validity has urged prayers, summoned processions and led an agnostic ‘councillor’ to prostrate himself at the feet of a virgin. Anything goes and everything counts to ensure that the rain does not pass by and the nightmare of opening the faucet and uselessly waiting for the fluid of salvation is removed.

We ignore too lightly the process that facilitates the arrival of water into our daily lives. We raise disputes between the public and the private when it is the sum of both sectors that has allowed for decades the best channeling, reuse and easy access to the basis of existence. The permanent investigation and application of its knowledge are the merits acquired and demanded of those who administer a general good but with the efficiency of a particular perspective. He verified it ‘president’ Aragonese some days ago. This overlooked part of the equation is what remains in evidence when it transcends that Catalonia loses a quarter of its drinking water due to leaks. Had it been avoided, would double the current depleted reserves. Faced with such a blush, the administrations look the other way but maintain taxes and fees on the receipt that double the initial amount of the product, while politics distracts with its usual instrumentalization.

The week leaves us with the angry Andalusian parliamentary session. Donana in the epicenter. Aquifers overexploited by illegal irrigation that the socialists did not dare to regulate. This does not mean that doing it as PP and Vox have proposed is the right way, according to experts. But the debate is sensitive and ends in crosses of accusations about the alleged lies used. Same effect used by the Valencian Government to take the Spanish Executive to court for the cut in contributions to the Tajo-Segura transfer, fearing its effects on the most fertile peninsular garden. And what to say about the frustrating summit called by the Generalitat in the midst of a drought crisis and at the gates of municipal elections, knowing that nobody wants to take more risks than are essential. Politics always moving between two waters.

This is how he titled his great success paco de lucia (Algeciras, December 21, 1947/Playa del Carmen, Mexico, February 25, 2014). A rebounding win the result of improvisation in the studio due to the lack of a piece that would complete the album ‘Fuente y Caudal’. The producer, José Torregrosa, suggested that he be inspired by two popular tracks from the early seventies. And the song was signed by an artistic duo that creatively never existed. And like this, 36 more compositions.

After 16 years of litigation, his daughter Lucía has managed to get justice to agree with him. Not for the money that the sentence requires to return to the heirs, still to be audited, but for the honor of the father whose legacy could not appear falsely shared. A glass of clear water in the midst of such a cloudy need.

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