All 136 gegijzelde gevangenismedewerkers vrijgelaten in Ecuador | Buitenland

UpdateIn Ecuador, all 136 gevangenismedewerkers vrijgelaten who are now being given the door, maakt de gevangenisautoriteit SNAI zaterdagavond bekend.

The first person was reported as having 41 people in the van who were told about various incidents and were sent to the opstandige. He will be sent to the president Daniel Noboa and will have the opportunity to commit crimes. The reageerden door was used as a pressure medium.

The area in the country is now known to be a notorious crime figure, Adolfo Macias, named ‘Fito’, who spent a week on the scene and was caught in two places in Guayaquil. The goods have been shown as pressure from the klopjacht tegen hem te staken and the misdaadbeleid te beïnvloeden.

In her hernia confrontations in the past of Ecuador, the 24th child was killed and another one was wounded, Aldus SNAI. In these times, many people in politics have passed away within the “establishment of order and normality”.

He has many weeks of afgelopen every day. Ecuador wordt geteisterd door het geweld van gewelddadige bendes en drug cartels. The country is a significant country for cocaine produced in Peru and Colombia.

Regularly also in the country drug transports from Ecuador onderschept. I was found in November last year with 7.5 tons of cocaine in the haven of Antwerp. The container was sent from Guayaquil.

Door de strijd om controle over de smokkelroutes van deze drugs is the moordcijfer van the Zuid- Amerikaanse country enormously achieved: last year, 40 people were sold per 100,000 residents, which in 2017 was only 5 per 100,000.

A little year ago we went to Belgium and Ecuador to have a protocol from the sea seeds that worked on the organic soil.

A man on the dak of the Cotopaxi-gevangenis in Latacunga, was cipiers gegijzeld zijn. (12/01/24) © REUTERS

KIJK. VS over Ecuador: “Working new seeds with President Noaba”
