Alkmaarsche Boys brings in top clubs: “Our complex lends itself to this”

Football club Alkmaarsche Boys will host numerous professional clubs this summer. International teams AEK Athens, KRC Genk and KV Mechelen will settle for a training camp at the complex in Overdie and FC Volendam and FC Utrecht will play matches there. “I’m looking forward to a number of big names playing on the fields here,” says Martijn Beerepoot, who flew in as a volunteer.

Henk Veerman played on behalf of FC Utrecht against the Belgian Genk – Photo: Martijn Beerepoot

“We have a complex that lends itself to training with large groups. The fields are next to each other, so we have a large grass surface.” In addition, on the other side is the gym. When they open the doors, the players are directly on the field. “As a result, they have ideal facilities.” The clubs set, but the clubs also set additional requirements for the terrain. “Genk wanted an extra dressing room. They already had three, but wanted a fourth with two massage tables.”


Last year Alkmaarsche Boys also hosted a number of clubs. At that time, corona measures still applied and many practice matches had to be played without an audience. Now the amateur club can fully unpack this. “We are incredibly proud. As Alkmaarsche Boys we want to give our business card. It looks like a romantic football spot. We also try to give the club a financial boost.”

Thanks to some connectivity, Alkmaarsche Boys manage to seduce the top clubs. Former chairman Michel Kuijpers was in contact with an agency that organizes training camps for professional clubs. “That started last year with Anderlecht. It went so well that it will be repeated this year.” The company has arranged hotels for the clubs in Alkmaar and also pays Alkmaarsche Boys a part to realize everything. For the rest of the income, the club relies on refreshments and entrance fees.

“Wim Jonk is at the helm at Volendam. I look forward to receiving him here”

Organizer Martijn Beerepoot

The organization counts on visitor numbers between 500 and 1,000 during practice matches. “That is something different from the average match of Alkmaarsche Boys.” The municipality of Alkmaar has issued a permit for the practice matches. Due to the number of visitors, there are also obligations that Alkmaarsche Boys now suddenly have to take into account. “Sanitary facilities, several emergency exits, a first aid post, power supply to the field, emergency generator, security guards, escape route for ambulances. That is quite a lot,” says Beerepoot, who is one of the four volunteers who arrange the entire circus. “In addition, a lot of people help with ticket sales, behind the bar. It is quite a bit of arrangement.”

Competition tension

The next game at the complex will be played next Saturday. FC Volendam will then practice against KRC Genk. “I think it’s great that Cyriel Dessers (last year Feyenoord – ed.) is on the field. And Wim Jonk is at the helm at Volendam. I look forward to receiving him here. Adam Maher is on the FC Utrecht selection list. , Sander van der Streek and Mike van der Hoorn. Those are also big names. I also feel a kind of healthy competition tension, because we want to organize everything well for all the fans who come.”

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