Aliisa, a high school student, drank alcohol psychosis

The Yle Girls 18 series introduces four young women on the verge of adulthood.

Aliisa dreams of a white hat. Broadcasting

Kati Laukkanen Directed by Yle’s new documentary series Girls 18, the everyday life of four young women from Oulu on the eve of adulthood is explored.Mickey, Malla, Sunisaa and Aliisa followed in the documentary for six months.

The followers of the five-part series are all only 17-year-olds with their own problem areas, such as substance abuse and mental health problems. Two of those being watched, Sunisa and Malla, have also been cared for in their childhood and youth.

Credit information or medications?

The first period of the season begins with a bang, when Aliisa, a high school girl from Oulu, says that she suffers from a hangover. He has only fourteen clear days behind him in the summer after the turn of the year.

Aliisa hopes to get a white cap, but schooling has suffered due to partying and financial difficulties. Aliisa can’t afford a bus ticket, and the trip to school isn’t on foot either.

Money worries have plunged the young woman towards difficult decisions that also affect long-term illnesses.

– Either I lose my credit and treat my rheumatism. Or I leave it untreated and am in a wheelchair at the age of 30, Aliisa says.

Drinking alcohol has even taken a young woman into alcohol psychosis, which ended with one booze tube.

– I was that there is no goddamn it, I can die here, Aliisa recalls.

Aliisa aims to reduce drinking. However, this is not easy and the financial difficulties will worsen as the severance bill expires. Money has had to be learned through the heel, and no one has been teaching.

– For example, not taking those quick tips is a mistake, Aliisa ponders with unopened bills.

6500 euros for liquor and hotel nights per week

However, Aliisa, who dreams of reunion, keeps the biscuits at home in a familiar way. At the party, it turns out that another young man also lives in the apartment, Leevi.

Leevi became homeless when her mother put the boy in the field for reckless behavior.

– I could spend 6,500 euros a week, Leevi laughs.

The young man’s student loan had burned down during the week at bars where he took it upon himself to offer everyone a drink. The money was also used to make a memorable trip to Helsinki.

– I regret nothing. It was a fucking good trip! Leevi recalls.

At the same time, Aliisa begins to return her shingles to one of the guests, who does not have time to stay above her buttocks. A shaky male guest presents his litter without shame.

– It’s slowly starting to go over, now those pants are on their feet, Aliisa commands her friend introducing her from behind.

Girls 18 documentary series at Yle Areena. See Telku for program information on streaming services.
