‘Ali b? The white people can keep those!’

Soundos El Ahmadi is not in sackcloth over the collapse of Ali B and his empire, despite sharing a Moroccan background. “We don’t want him back!” says the comedian.

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Ali B is under fire because there are a number of rape charges against him. Comedian Martijn Koning asks in his podcast to comedian Soundos El Ahmadi what she thinks about that. “How does it feel when a third of the nice Moroccans in the Netherlands disappear at once?”

Soundos denounces Ali

Soundos then says: “No, no, no, Ali B has been claimed by the white people, now you can keep him too! We don’t want him back! I have nothing to do with this.”

Martijn: “So now we only have Najib and Soundos?”

Soundos laughing: “Yeah, that’s kind of what it is.”

Martijn: “It is also a difficult subject.”

Soundos: “Yeah, haha.”

Ali’s fingers

Ali has been completely canceled. Even the vegetarian chicken pieces with his face on them have been removed from the shelves. “Yes, I saw it and didn’t grab it”, Soundos sneezes.

Then Soundos shows that he doesn’t believe in Ali’s denial at all. “Those men should just keep their hands off those women.”

What does she think of the Derksen model? That victims like Ali’s just need to bite the bullet a little more? “No, sometimes it happens out of the blue and I think that’s what scares people.”

Nasty guest

Has Soundos herself ever missed a confidant in her life? “Yes, often when unpleasant things happened, for example at school. I especially had one teacher who was a very nasty man. He was rude and yelled at us too.”

Has he gone too far physically? “No, he didn’t touch me. But it was a really nasty guest. I sat there and he said in front of everyone: ‘You’re never going to get your high school diploma, you’re too stupid for this.’”


The Knorrepodcast with Soundos as main guest:
