Algerian abuses traffic controller at evening four days in Sneek: six weeks in prison | Inland

The traffic warden came to the aid of another woman who was groped by the suspect. The suspect pushed the woman aside and gave her a hard blow above the left eye. The police witnessed the assault.

Shortly before the incident, a report of pickpocketing had been received. When the suspect was arrested, he spat at the officers and called them “motherfuckers”.

twitching and tearing eye

The traffic controller was left with a headache and a twitching and watery eye as a result of the assault. The woman still suffers from her eye and asked 450 euros in compensation. That amount was awarded by Judge Willem Sikkema.

The suspect stated, with the help of an Arabic interpreter, that he had no recollection of the assault. He had been drinking vodka and said he had “a nervous breakdown”.


The man was sentenced to six weeks in prison, in accordance with the demand of the prosecutor. He had been incarcerated since the incident. The judge took it extra hard that he slapped someone who was working as a volunteer at an event in which all children participate.

“Those children were confronted with the fact that you misbehaved in this way,” said Sikkema. When he has served his sentence, the man cannot go where he wants. He is registered as a ‘safe country’ – asylum seekers who come from countries that are considered safe by the Netherlands. When he is released, he will end up in immigration detention until he is deported.
