Alexia Bertrand is already trekking on her own | Inland

State Secretaris for Begroting Alexia Bertrand (MR and Open VLD) is already from the hair own federal lijst te trekking India de MR hair not the derde plaats op de Brusselse lijst voor de Kamer voorbehoudt. Bertrand shows this in the krant L’Echo.

“Optie A blijft de gezamenlijke lijst met de MR”, aldus Bertrand. Volgens hair needs MR and Open VLD “beslissen of ze seeds to the verkiezingen trekking”. “I don’t think we’ll have a strong liberal family anymore,” says Ze. “Niet seeds opkomen zou aen mislukking zijn.”

You don’t have to worry about it, you can have your own hair when you go trekking. “I don’t have anything left, I have a voice on my phone. We already have enough food with you on your own. I can lift 25,000 now. I have a mobilizing project that can be done with a lot of food.”
