Alexei Navalny, the latest in a long list of suspicious deaths, arrests and ‘offsides’ in Russia

The scope for dissident speech has not been very wide in Russia for years, something evidenced by the large number of dissidents who have been disabled, imprisoned or have died under strange circumstances. In the wake of names as well-known as the journalist Anna Politkovskaia –murdered in 2006– or the politician Boris Nemtsov –shot in the center of Moscow in 2015, there are other more recent cases. From candidates for the presidency, to soldiers and activists, they have seen how they received pressure for not agreeing with the official position.

Although they were not known, there are more Russian citizens who have suffered the gag. A man was sentenced to two years in prison for an anti-war drawing by his daughter. Another was fined in Ivanovo, near Moscow, for giving away in the street copies of the book 1984 by George Orwell. A artist was imprisoned for 7 years for “spreading false information” for putting price tags in a supermarket on which he put messages for peace. However, the greatest punishments have been for those who had a voice and some fame in Russia, and the most recent cases They join others previously imprisoned such as activists Vladimir Kara-Murza and Ilya Yashin; in exile like Boris Berezovski or most of the independent media or the also murdered ex-spies Aleksandr Litvinenko and Sergei Skripal.

En un momento en el que incluso hablar de un partido regionalista en Rusia es algo improbable, Fail Alsynov era un ferviente defensor de los derechos de esta minoría, originaria de los Urales rusos. Criticó abiertamente el conflicto rusoucraniano y tildó la movilización de sus compatriotas de “genocidio” en contra de su minoría. Había formado parte y creado algunas organizaciones bashkires,

Fue condenado en enero de 2024 por haber incitado al odio interétnico, algo que él negó y adujo a una mala traducción del bashkri al ruso. Su condena despertó protestas en su Bashkorstán natal, durante las cuales se detuvo a algunos de los manifestantes, y preventivamente la policía de esta república rusa arrestó a algunos de sus aliados días antes de que se hiciera pública la condena. Periodistas que cubrieron dichas manifestaciones denunciaron presiones de hombres encapuchados.
