Alexander Pechtold denies third child after research Wilfred Genee

Alexander Pechtold denies having a third child after research by Wilfred Genee. According to the D66 prominent, there is really nothing wrong with it. “There are two.”

© SBS 6

It seems that Alexander Pechtold will be one of the regular guests of Today Inside. His performance in last Thursday’s broadcast was also well received. Behind the scenes of that broadcast, some confusion has arisen about the private life of the well-known former leader of D66.

Pechtold wiki

Wilfred brings it up 3FM. “Are they always correct, Wikipedia pages?” the presenter begins.

The sidekick on duty: “No, basically not always, because everyone can adjust everything. I don’t know exactly how it works, but basically you shouldn’t take it as factual.”

Wilfred: “No, because I had Alexander Pechtold at VI and then I sat in my dressing room for a while and he passed. Then I saw on his Wikipedia page that he would have three children according to his private data.”

Two children

That is not correct at all, continues Wilfred. “He only has two, he says. And yes, someone just put it on there. That’s pretty weird, isn’t it?”

The sidekick: “Yeah, that’s kind of weird. It was a nice show, by the way.”

Wilfred: “That’s good to hear.”

Alexander responds

A little later, during his one-time broadcast on 3FM, Wilfred receives an app from Alexander. “Do you know who also listens to 3FM? Alexander Pechtold.”

He concludes: “We just had that story about that Wikipedia page that was not correct and that it is quite strange and now he has just texted me that he had a very nice broadcast, had many nice reactions and is now watching 3FM again. listen. Isn’t that very special? That’s funny, isn’t it?”
