Alexander Nübel on career planning – return to Schalke?

Nübel saw himself forced to make a change if he didn’t want his career to go to waste in his mid-20s at what is probably the best-paid bank in Germany. Nevertheless, he would make the decision for Munich with the knowledge he has today. “I don’t regret the step, I would take the step again and again,” said Nübel in a press round in which t-online also took part. In 2023, when his loan in Monaco expires, he could make a new attempt to become Munich’s number one. Could, because there is an exclusion criterion for Nübel: “If Manuel (Neuer, editor’s note) should still be there, I don’t think it will be anymore.” Then it makes “no sense that I come back,” said Nübel.

Alexander Nübel: The place on the substitute bench was usually reserved for the goalkeeper at FC Bayern.
Alexander Nübel: The place on the substitute bench was usually reserved for the goalkeeper at FC Bayern. (Source: Team 2/imago-images-pictures)

According to consistent media reports, Bayern are working at full speed on an extension with Neuer until at least 2024. Nübel is tied to FC Bayern until the summer of 2025. Could another loan until Neuer’s abdication mean the solution to the keeper’s dilemma on hold?

“Difficult,” replies a visibly brooding Nübel to the t-online request, before adding: “Actually, I’m more in favor of taking a different path.” Although he does not want to completely wipe this option off the table, he would have to be shown a concrete future in Munich. However, since contact with Bayern is currently minimal, Nübel emphasizes at the end of his remarks: “I tend to make the right decision (2023, editor’s note).”

Return to Schalke? Nübel keeps the option open

This “right decision” could also lead the former U21 national goalkeeper back to Germany, to a club that is not called FC Bayern Munich. Recently, the 1.93 m giant repeatedly emphasized in interviews how much he misses his East Westphalian homeland. An obvious solution that would cure his homesickness and give consistency to his footballing career would be a return to his former club Schalke.

The Royal Blues, who could seal their return to the Bundesliga this weekend with a little support from the competition, want to change the goalkeeper position in the summer, according to several media. An internal analysis led to the conclusion that the current goalkeeper Martin Fraisl could not be attested to be in the top league. However, Nübel rules out inheriting the Austrian in the Gelsenkirchen box.

“Not in the next one or two years,” Nübel replies to the t-online question as to whether he could imagine returning to Schalke. However, the second sentence of his remarks should make both those responsible for Schalke and the supporters of the Ruhrpottklub sit up and take notice: “I don’t know what will happen in the next three or four years. I still love the club – even if the departure was difficult and unpleasant .” For him, the first thing that counts is that Schalke make the resurgence fix. “I’m praying that they go up this week and I’m really excited about it.”
