Alexander Nevsky | News


It may be thought (pure prejudice) that the films of Eisensteinthe great Soviet filmmaker and theorist, they are boring. Or that, as they have been called “masterpieces,” they belong to the field of study and nothing more.

Well, watch this epic narrative of the medieval fight between germans and russians (well, look at the filming date, too) and what Eisenstein achieves with moments of pure action, vibrant and dizzying. The Prokofiev’s music specially composed for the film helps a lot and, in its best moments (which are many) we see that hollywood It is much more a universal spirit, the embodiment of pure thinking in movement(s) than something tied to
a nationality.

There is much to enjoy in this remarkable film, even though its hero is as positive and infallible as a Rambo of yesteryear (Eisenstein thought of masses and revolutionary or epic subjects, not of individual people with complex psychology). Yes, it’s funny, enough of the prejudices.

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