Alexander D hears trembling what he inflicted: “An hour-long torture”

Alexander D hears trembling what he inflicted: “An hour-long torture”

The family of the murdered Maïlys hopes for the truth in the next two weeks. “You have to imagine that you are going on holiday and that a day later you have lost your daughter and both your parents. Your only family,” says the lawyer for the mother of victim Maïlys, Kris Vincke, “You are left alone with your son. Then I think this would ease the suffering just a little bit.”

Hours of torture

This morning the deed was read at the start of the trial, it was then also about the murder of the Ghent photographer Jeroen Verstraete. Alexander trembled as he read the deed. “My client died after eight hours of torture,” says attorney Nathalie Aernoudts, who represents the interests of the photographer’s family. “The accused will probably say that they talked. But the investigation shows the opposite. The man was beaten, humiliated, taped… He had to crawl through his own blood, was stripped naked. There are no words for it. To finally have a knife planted in his heart.” (read more below the photo)

The father also wants to hear the truth, says his lawyer Jef Vermassen: “That man wants to hear the truth straight from the mouth of the accused. He has followed the reconstruction. We’ve discussed the file. But it’s still different to hear what exactly happened, and why.”

The accused constantly looked to the ground as the chairman read the facts. He does not show any sense of guilt to this day. He will be interrogated this afternoon.

