Alex Schwazer at Big Brother: the fourth day of training

Since entering the House, the walker trained for 11 hours and 30 minutes. Coach Rondelli: “The work carried out confirms the excellent state of health”

Michele Antonelli

A morning session on Friday and a Saturday dedicated to rest. After four days of training in the House of Big Brothermarked by quantity and quality work, Alex Schwazer he continues to put kilometers into his legs with good results. With Giorgio Rondellicoach of several champions and consultant of Active Journallet’s analyze the last day of the walker.

the fourth day

“As mentioned previously – explains Rondelli – prepare by exploiting Tapis Roulant and various technologies is not something impossible. However, regarding what Schwazer has done, the great importance of the mental aspect must be underlined, given that he is used to training outdoors“. Going to the last session, relating to morning of September 15ththe analysis begins with a key word useful for understanding: “Progressivity. Alex leaves with a warm-up of approximately 6 km and a stopwatch that oscillates between 5′ and 5’10” per km. Then he goes on to insist on average aerobic powerwith 10 km at 4’30” per km, and then passes to fartlek“. The most challenging part: “Work at high intensity for half an hour, alternating 100 meters in 20″ at 18 km/h and 1 slow minute at 5’10” per km, before closing with 10′ of cool down“.

the fartlek

The coach specifies the usefulness of this speed game, central to the South Tyrolean’s routine: “The fartlek He has Swedish origins and was born in the 1950s. It is a term which, in summary, indicated the do-it-yourself. That is, running on natural paths and speed that varies depending on circumstances and instincts. In the Seventies, however, the fashion of American fartlekin which the coach decides at the table the speed and duration of both the slow and fast parts”. A turning point in planning: “With these variable characteristics, the fartlek can be a medium-intensity aerobic workout, a high-intensity aerobic workout, or a exasperatingly lactic workgiven that the duration and speed of the tests can be varied, but also the duration and speed of recovery. Schwazer’s work resembles that of African middle-distance runners, with many high intensity tests and fairly slow recoveries. In short, efforts useful to raise the anaerobic threshold and which allow one to get used to tolerating high doses of lactate”. The final comment encapsulates the meaning of the athlete’s first four days at Big Brother: “On Friday he put himself to the test with a program that confirms his excellent state of health, which was clear after 11 hours and 30 minutes of training total until now”.


During the Friday episode, broadcast on Channel 5the champion of the 50 km race walk Beijing 2008 he said precisely this, focusing on a couple of concepts: “There are two ways of interpreting the fatigue. You can see it as a bad thing, or fatigue gives you something to feel better. When I feel good, fatigue motivates me and makes me feel better. I don’t feel like an examplebut I’m happy if the determination I have makes other people feel motivated to follow theirs goals and their dreams.” The walker later responded to a question about his chances of taking part in the qualifying races for the Paris Games of next year: “How many are there? I answer sincerely. In my opinion 100, but given my surname I say 30”.
