Alessia Orro still victim of the stalker: 55-year-old arrested

The investigations in Monza after the denunciation of the blue setter, the car identified by the surveillance cameras, the man stopped outside the building. The setter: “Don’t be afraid, violence shouldn’t be underestimated”

Again persecuted by the man who in the past had followed and threatened her, again forced to report him until his arrest last week. The setter of Vero Volley and the national team, Alessia Orro, relived the nightmare she ended up in years ago, until the arrest in 2019 of a stalker who was then sentenced to house arrest. Now the man – Angelo Persico, a professional from Novara – has been arrested on charges of stalking. The news was given by the command of the Carabinieri of Monza, explaining that they had arrested the fifty-five-year-old “in flagrant crime for persecutory acts”.

In the viewfinder

The investigations had been launched after Alessia Orro – setter of Vero Volleyball and the national team – reported that she ended up again in the crosshairs of the man already arrested three years ago. Same procedure: messages on social networks, stalking during competitions and training. On Wednesday the car was intercepted by surveillance cameras in Villasanta and then tracked down to the Monza building. “I would like to set an example not only inside the field, but also and above all outside, to help all the people who have or are going through this difficult moment as happened to me in the past and in this last period – wrote Orro in a long time post on social media – Boys and girls do not be afraid to report, violence, in whatever form it is, should not be underestimated. Be courageous, because I personally know very well how difficult it can be, especially when you realize that past could come back “. The setter thanked the carabinieri “who protected me on this journey”, her company “supported and helped me to face this bad episode, protecting me in every situation”. And she admits: “It was painful to reopen an old wound, but I’m extremely happy that this is all over for now. Thank you for always supporting me.” Even Vero Volley thanked the carabinieri and underlined “we are proud of Alessia, who once again demonstrated her personality and all her value also as a person by denouncing the situation and promptly entrusting herself to the Carabinieri for her protection and solution of the case. . We are convinced that his example will teach everyone and will be followed by many people who, unfortunately, still feel threatened or suffer violence of any kind “.
