Alessia Marcuzzi, on social media the photo at 16 in a bikini

B.Is she born or made? In the case of Alessia Marcuzzi there is no doubt: always beautiful. Its 5.3 million followers are convinced of this than on Instagram they appreciated the charm of the presenter at 16, thanks to a shot of the past immediately commented by the fans.

Alessia Marcuzzi: unemployed holidays in Dubai between sea, sensual poses and Expo 2020

Alessia Marcuzzi, the photo of the past on social media

Underarm costume. Mascara by the sea. Natural hair color», Wrote the showgirl commenting on the photo posing as a diva, with a very high-cut fuchsia bikini and curly hair that is darker than the blond sported in recent years. An amarcord moment that the presenter shared, probably because she was eager for the arrival of summer.

Fans: “Always beautiful”

The reaction of the fans who immediately commented on the post was immediate. “Ah isn’t that a photo from last summer? IdenticalWrote one user. “Always beautiful“,”Fabulous now as thenOthers comment. “Like bread” instead the comment of Elisabetta Canalis to her friend and colleague: in the double sense of “good come” or “bona come”, it would seem.

The shots of Alessia’s past

Alessia Marcuzzi

The showgirl in a shot of her first photo shoot (Instagram @alessiamarcuzzi)

It is not the first time that Alessia shares images of the past on Instagram. Not long ago it was the turn of another shot always at 16, that of first photo shoot.

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A soap and water image that had conquered the followers and in which many have seen a photo of the future of Mia, the daughter that the showgirl had with Francesco Facchinetti ten years ago. Indeed, the features between the little girl and her mom, especially in the shots of the past, They are very similar. And who knows that the little girl of the house decides to follow, in a few years, the same artistic path as the mother.

