Alessandro Siani: wife, film, parents and age

THEhis surname is the most common in Naples: Esposito. SianiInstead, he chose it as his “surname of art”: it is a beautiful tribute to the Neapolitan journalist Giancarlo Sianimurdered by the Camorra on September 23, 1985, when he was alone 26 years.

And here immediately emerges the double nature of Alessandro Siani46 years old: on the one hand, a comedian with the mission of entertaining the audience, on the other, a public figure who wanted raise public awareness on the (many) crimes carried out by the Camorra in his city.

Naples, it snows on Vesuvius: the spectacular images of the volcano taken by the drone

Naples, his city

His love for the city where he was born is visceral and Siani has never hidden it. That’s why he went crazy when the magazine Le Figaro defined the Campania capital “the third world of Europe»Confirming him in black and white stereotypes that have always enveloped the city of Campania.

Below, Siani’s Napoli in a photo from his Instagram profile

“One of the ugliest pages of international journalism, great falsehood, terrible, Naples is a unique cityhas little jealousies », declared the actor and director on that occasion.

“Since they’re losers, I’ll call them “Sfigarò”. There are the Spanish neighborhoods where every house, especially in this period, becomes a sort of shopping center, where people help each other“.

For Siani, the Neapolitans have “a great humanity. While the world is full of people who have a certain aridityNaples maintains this great ability to be supportive and has a great tolerance“.

The book about his city

The love for his city also expressed it in his book A Neapolitan like me … and what do I tell you to do, published by Rizzoli and written with the collaboration of Francesco Albanese. It is indeed one declaration of love to his city. The work sells 10 thousand copies in less than a week and the publishing house immediately orders the reprint.

Alessandro Siani

Siani’s book

Siani tells the flavor of his city and explains that what it means to be born and live thereoffering a unique and hilarious portrait of Naples and its millenary philosophy, made up of sun, smiles and lightning jokes. A city where you always and in any case react with joy. “Because ‘o Neapolitan keeps a prompt reply», We read in the work.

The affection for Maradona

Linked to Naples, he is also linked to the figure of Maradona, like every Neapolitan. “Maradona made us happyhe taught us Neapolitans victory, a people that has always suffered a lot, even inexplicably, “he explained.

Maradona was «disarmingchanged the DNA of a people and had the ability to remain unique and close to people“.

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With Maradona at the theater. (Instagram)

And he told an anecdote about the footballer. «We organize a show in which Maradona had to tell about his life. I remember that, before entering the scene, Diego his eyes were scared to face the audience»Explained Siani.

«He asked me ‘can I do it?’ I saw the fragility of a man who did not want to disappoint people. Maradona left in a period when the stadiums were closed, as if he had thought “If they don’t fit in, but what am I doing?“”.

The beginnings of Alessandro Siani

Born in Naplesraised in FuorigrottaSiani begins his career in acting very young: it was 1995. His cabaret shows – at his debut he performed in the Neapolitan laboratory Cabaret tunnel – lead him to win, that same year, the Charlot Awardwhich is not the only one of his long career.

Having become an appreciated name in the Neapolitan cabaret, Alessandro Siani decides to make the leap to televisionwhere he made his debut in 1998-1999 with the regional program Telegaribaldithen followed by Pirates, with Biagio Izzo. In 2002 he moved to Telecapri, and here he presented together with Alan De Luca the Maradona Show.

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The actor and his myth. (Instagram)

In 2003 he finally went to state TV, in a show (Bulldozer) conducted by Federica Panicucci. A Rai2 brings to TV Tatoreone of his most successful theatrical characters and obtains approval nationwide. In 2006 he landed on the show Those who … football and, the following year, again on Rai2, he conducted Tribbù with Serena Garitta.

The transition to the cinema

After the show All good (2005) also made his debut as a film actor: Francesco Ranisti Martinotti wants him as the protagonist of his film I leave you because I love you too much (2006), of which he is also the screenwriter.

In the film Siani – who for his interpretation wins the best actor award at the Giffoni Film Festival – plays the role of an ordinary guy who was left by his girlfriend and tries them all to forget her.

He continues his career in the world of cinema and plays in the cinepanettone Christmas in New York (2006) by Neri Parenti.

Below, from the film Christmas in New York

In December 2006, it passes to the conduction: in fact it becomes the only sole tenant of Freetransmission which will however be suspended after two episodes for the lack of ratings.

welcome to the South

After acting in another cinepanettone, Christmas on a cruisein 2010 comes the turning point in his life thanks to the film welcome to the Southremake of the French film Down to the Northfocused on misunderstandings and stereotypes that characterize Italy.

Here he plays an employee of the Cilento Post Office. Together with him there is Claudio Bisio (his office manager who comes from northern Italy): the success of the work – with the public and critics – exceeds much more optimistic expectations. The film reaches record takings of 29,873,491 of Euro. This is the11th place in the ranking of the highest takings in Italy of all time.

Siani and Bisio at Welcome to the South. (Instagram)

Two years later it was the turn of Welcome to the Northwhich – driven by the previous film – manages to collect 27,178,307 eurosalmost “repeating” the success of the previous film.

He then acts in Alessandro Genovesi’s film Worst week of my lifethen moving, in 2013, to his directorial debut with comedy The abusive prince (recording a collection of almost 15 million euros), then Miracles are accepted (2015) and Mister happiness (2017).

The abusive prince at the theater

That same year, in April 2017, he records al Politeama Greco Theater of Lecce his theatrical show The Abusive Prince at the theaterthen broadcast on TV on Christmas day.

The pre-sales boom shocked the actor himself. «Another great satisfaction. In the theater it is always very difficult to be successfulgiven the crisis he is going through, ”he explained.

When they told him the number of tickets sold, “I didn’t want to believe itHe said, “they looked like concert figures to me!” She then thanked «each of the 30 thousand people who have trusted me. It is almost embarrassing for me to have to comment on the great affection that the public shows me “.

The comparison with Massimo Troisi

After shooting Mister Happinessa large slice of the public compared him to Massimo Troisi. “The comparison with Troisi is something impossible and also unimaginable”, however, stopped Alessandro Siani. “He had a poetry and a skill that he cannot have anyone else. Let’s talk about another world. Something about unrepeatable“.

Then, he directed his last two films, The most beautiful day in the world (2019) and Who framed Santa Claus? (2021).

Below, the poster of Who framed Santa Claus?

Strip the news

Last year he returned to television, leading from September to November 2021 Strip the News together with Vanessa Incontrada and the new showgirls Giulia Pelagatti and Talisa Jade Ravagnani. The biker envoy returns with them Vittorio Brumotti. For the evening of December 10, however, he shared the counter with Diletta Leotta (under).

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Siani and Leotta. (Instagram)

Until just before accepting the ground in Antonio Ricci’s news, to those who asked him about the choice of going to lead Striphe replied that “when I told my mom that I would go on TV, she replied”But why, you are a virologist? ”», He said jokingly and referring to the months of the pandemic.

He then added that «in recent years Antonio often provoked me in an attempt to make me sit behind the most famous counter in Italy. Aware of mine engagements in cinema and theater he kept teasing me as only he can. ” But you know: difficult to resist Antonio Ricci.

Alessandro Siani and love

Easy-going and friendly, he is very confidential with regards to private life. In 2008 he got married to his historical partner in one intimate and private ceremony.

From his wife he had two children and the four live in Fuorigrotta, right where Siani grew up. And if he doesn’t want to talk about his family, when it comes to love he doesn’t skimp on words. «We are all always looking for the right word and story for best represent loveHe said, ‘but it is so unattainable that no movie will ever really do it“.

