Alessandro Cecchi Paone and Simone Antolini leave the Island of the Famous

Simone Antolini had to leave due to health problems and his partner did not want to continue the reality show alone

Alessandro Cecchi Paone And Simone Antolini they were forced to put an end to their experience in the Canale 5 reality show and they left Honduras to return to Italy.

Cecchi Paone and Antolini leave the island of the famous

Shortly before the episode, Simone Antolini had been taken ill on Monday 8 May due to a drop in blood pressure which had forced him to the infirmary. A few days later, the doctors considered that the physical conditions of the boy were ineligible to continue to remain in the game. Reason why also Alessandro Cecchi Paone he decided to return to Italy together with Antolini.

Also during the episode ofIsland of the Famous on Monday 8 May, Cecchi Paone had protested in a rather heated way for the production’s decision to break out the couple. The “couples”, in fact, had been divided and it was precisely this decision that had infuriated the television presenter: “Simone and I we started as a couple and so we want to finishI’m ready to leave if he’s not there” explained Cecchi Paone.

the official announcement

A promise that was promptly kept. The official social channels of The Island of the famousIndeed, they announced the couple’s withdrawal from the Canale 5 reality show: “Simone Antolini had to leave the island due to health problems and Alessandro Cecchi Paone decided not to continue his adventurethe program’s official statement reads.

the other withdrawals

That of Alessandro Cecchi Paone and Simone Antolini is the third withdrawal of the current edition of the Isola dei Famosi: first of the two, in fact, they abandoned the reality show due to injury also Claudia Motta And Marco Predolin. “It was a short but intense experience, I still had a lot to give and this certainly didn’t take… Thank you all for the messages of closeness and for the support I received from the first moment I set foot on that beach” he wrote on Instagram Claudia Motta after returning to Italy. Also Marco Predolin on social media explained that the decision to leave the program did not depend on him: “I want to clarify that leaving WAS NOT MY DECISION but a decision by the production following blood tests which showed my unfitness to continue to support enforced starvation,” he wrote.
