Alessandro Basciano against Sophie Codegoni: the lawyer’s letter

The 34-year-old returns to the attack via social media and publishes the letter from his lawyer to his ex-partner’s lawyer

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The end of the love story between the former gieffini Alessandro Basciano and Sophie Codegoni it became public knowledge at the beginning of October and in recent weeks the two have done nothing but throw accusations at each other on social media and on TV. In these hours the 34-year-old has returned to the attack, accusing the young former tronista of Men and Women of don’t let him see his daughter Celine Bluborn last May.

Basciano’s social outburst

The Genoese man’s new attack on his ex-partner once again arrived via Instagram, with a series of stories destined to disappear within 24 hours. In a first story the 34-year-old remained vagueeven if the recipient of the attack is very clear to those who follow him on social networks: “There are those who think about new looks and not going home to their daughter in the evening and there are those who instead have to pray in vain to be able to see her … never forget who you are and where you come from.”

A few lines in which the man anticipates the difficulties he would be experiencing in order to see his daughter Celine Blu, but to dispel any doubt other stories arrived shortly after in which Basciano published, censoring the names and addresses, an email that appears to have been written by his lawyer and intended for the opposing lawyer, his ex-partner Sophie Codegoni, in which the 22-year-old’s absence from the first meeting scheduled for negotiate an agreement for the management of the child.

“The father is available to keep the little girl with him whenever the mother needs it, if obviously he is free from work commitments”, we read in the email which continues with Basciano’s request to always stay informed about the child’s movements: “The simplest solution is for the parents to talk to each other on the phone every day about their child’s plans.”

Is Sophie Codegoni already engaged?

The letter continues with an alleged revelation: Sophie Codegoni would have started a relationship with another man. Faced with this news, however, Basciano asks that this mysterious new companion refrain from having “relationships with her daughter as she is still too young”, underlining how this “could even confuse the figure of the father”. The 34-year-old added a personal comment to the lawyer’s letter that suggests a request for money from the 22-year-old: “You’re asking me for 3 thousand euros in maintenance, at least let me see it, right?”.

Social silence from Sophie Codegoni

Via social media by Sophie Codegoni no reply was receivedbut since lawyers are involved it’s fair to imagine that any response to these latest accusations from the 22-year-old will come in private.
