Alessandria, CEO Zerbo removed for inappropriate behavior

Behavior that is not very urban, and also characterized by threats towards third parties, including fans, staff and the press, cost Rinaldo Zerbo his job

Rinaldo Zerbo has been relieved of his role as general director of US Alessandria Calcio 1912. This was announced in a note by the grey-red club of president Enea Benedetto, thanking the general manager but speaking of “the attitudes and behaviors he held, little urban, and also characterized by threats towards third parties, including fans, staff and the press, for which the collaboration must be interrupted”.

The Alessandria Calcio club has communicated the “removal of Dr. Rinaldo Zerbo from the role of general manager from all types of duties, with immediate and irrevocable effect”. The decision comes after the draw in the derby with Novara and the defeat against Virtus Verona.

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