Alessandra Fior, the Airc captain ambassador at the Giro-E of Italy

TOThe last stage of the Tour of Italy in Verona she was also there to cross the finish line: Alessandra Fior, 42 years old, Triathlon champion, but above all captain of the only women’s team in the Giro-E, the organized e-bike experience (the only one of its kind worldwide) by Rcs Sport e included in the Corsa Rosa calendar as a cycling event.

The 2022 edition has 18 stages, with a daily distance between 70 and 100 kilometers. And Alessandra raised her arms in victory at all arrivals. Not only for the event itself, but above all for the message it carried with it: lei is an Airc ambassador after battling breast cancer.

The team of the 14th stage of the Giro-E 2022: below, on the right, Alessandra Fior, the captain

The only captain of the Giro-E

The only female Giro-E captain discovered breast cancer at the end of 2019. A very tough test: in March 2020 she had to undergo an operation, just a week before the Coronavirus lockdown. She had to go through the entire process of surgery alone, chemo and treatment, isolated from the world and also from her son Filippo to avoid complications given her low immune defenses.

“Sport unites”

Today it is “clean”, as they say in the jargon, it is clean even if, according to protocol, it must remain under control for five years. In the meantime, she has become an Airc ambassador and has decided to combine her passion for sport (she was Venetian Triathlon champion in 2016) to the awareness message.

“Rcs Sport was immediately galvanized by the idea of ​​a female team, so he found me a sponsor, Enit, and made tools and means available to methe. Sport unites and in all stages I have brought together women from all professions who wanted to share my mission (including the journalists of iO Donna, read the diary). “

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Breast cancer prevention: the tests to be done

Breast cancer prevention: the tests to be done

The goal is to repeat the event next year also involving the AIRC regional committees with gazebos present at the start of the stages. “All my traveling companions have drawn strength from this experience. The pedaling was assisted, as in a fil rouge the most different stories came together, of the loss of a loved one, a difficult time at work, but we also combined eco-sustainability. And thanks to Sport e Salute I was able to count on the presence of champions such as Valentina Vezzali or Deborah Compagnoni, just to name a few ». And, as happens in life, running has also had its ups and downs. “Surely the stage on Etna was the most exciting. The Menador Pass, in Trentino, the most involving from a technical point of view ».

