Alessandra Amoroso: Happiness has finally arrived

TO times, one question is enough.The tattoos? Here on the arm I have described my dreams a bit, in the style of comics: there is a house (two hearts come out of the fireplace) with a large sun on it and, in front, me, my partner and the dog; next to it there is a “cloud” with the wedding, one with a child and one with … two tombs (yes, I would like to stay until death with the man I love!). Then, in no particular order: a lucky horn. Half of an avocado (the other half my best friend has it). A stork for the birth of my granddaughter, Andrea. A cross (I don’t have a traditional religiosity, but it represents the protection of “my” God).

A Mexican skull, on the wave of enthusiasm after a business trip to Latin America. Two swallows (my grandmothers, who have flown away). My foot and the paw of my first big dog. The writing “I knew / Lo sabía” (I felt that music was my way): the same tattoo as my friend / manager. A microphone and the quote from St. Augustine: “Who sings prays twice”. A moon and a star, inspired by a pendant found in an Easter egg that my grandmother had given me: costume jewelery of the worst, very precious to me. Two pieces of Lego and two puzzle pieces, because there are predestined joints. Ah, there is also “Los Angeles” ».

Alessandra Amoroso, the concerts

Et voilà, here is Alessandra Amoroso – in a self-portrait much more eloquent than words – really on the eve of two important events: 11 June will be in Reggio Emilia with Elisa, Emma, ​​Giorgia, Fiorella Mannoia, Gianna Nannini and Laura Pausini for A. None. One hundred thousandthe concert that raises the voices against gender-based violence (proceeds will be donated to anti-violence centers); on July 13 will be in Milan with Everything happens at San Sirosecond woman (15 years after Pausini) absolute protagonist at the G. Meazza Stadium.

Appointment on 11 June at the Campovolo in Reggio Emilia for A. None. One hundred thousand, the concert, the biggest musical event ever against gender violence. Alessandra Amoroso, Elisa, Emma, ​​Giorgia, Fiorella Mannoia, Gianna Nannini, Laura Pausiniflanked by male colleagues.

A. None. One hundred thousand: why this Pirandello title?
One, alone, cannot do anything: it is none. As in the song by Tiziano Ferro: “One is too little, two are many” and we count on being even one hundred thousand allies in the battles for women.

Anything can happen

There is still a long way to go: this is demonstrated by the fact that it will be only the second in history to have San Siro to itself.
Yes, but I’m positive, optimistic, super hopeful (ah, what a wonderful feeling hope!). We cannot ignore the progress made, the energy we breathe. Things are changing and, little by little, the gender gap will be filled even from the point of view of wages. There are many encouraging episodes. Let’s take the case of footballers, for example: they have finally been recognized as professionals, like their colleagues.

Yes: his Everything happens is the official song of the women’s soccer division and she was the first to captain the national singers team. An old passion?
My father (crazy fanatic) taught me to dribble and, having all male friends, I threw myself. I was in the goal and I got hallucinating balls in the nose: okay, I will have forged those too (smiles). At the le me of and, with the school, I participated in regional competitions.

Alessandra Amoroso

Alessandra Amoroso photographed by Flavio & Frank. Wear a blazer and earrings Moschino.

What child was she?
Sooo lively! And very attached to my two sisters and the tide of cousins ​​(I have ten, spectacular uncles!). We have a family chat and we say good morning every morning.

«A spark is enough and everything happens…»: the first spark for music?
Music has been with me for as long as I can remember. One of the most unforgettable gifts was the Canta Tu, that karaoke contraption. In reality, Mom always hummed – Mina, Battisti, Baglioni – and I enjoyed accompanying her. When I had some difficulties, I sang and it was the only way to let off steam, to be happy. It was a refuge (the voice breaks). This thing still excites me. I remember that in the countryside, near Otranto (she grew up between Lecce and Otranto, ed ), I used to sing for … the trees. Crazy stuff.

Alessandra Amoroso and spirituality

From Eastern spirituality, if anything. Today the forest bathing is a trendy wellness practice.
I like talking to plants: my grandmother used to tell me that she makes them grow better. All I know, she taught me.

And now science has proven it. But I see that it is still easy to commotion.
It’s just that I believe in the power of music: it has done a lot for me, I’m sure it can do a lot for others. I have always been judged for my sensitivity, but now I have learned to defend myself from judgments. Too much was emotional and made me vulnerable to people who didn’t even deserve it. The difference with the past is that I started to protect my tears, not to waste them. They must be paid for just causes.

Alessandra Amoroso

Alessandra Amoroso photographed by Flavio & Frank. Wear a blazer and earrings Moschino.

How did you go from singing as an interior urgency to singing as a profession?
At some point I realized that I had something to say and I meant to say it. I waited for my eighteenth year, in 2004, to audition for Friends. He didn’t go well. I started working as a shop assistant in a clothing store but, in 2008, I thought: do you know what? I’ve never seen Rome, I go on vacation there with a friend and I take the opportunity to try again, without excessive expectations. But from there, from the victory in that talent show, everything changed.

The five songs that represented a turning point and cannot be missed at San Siro?
Propertythe first. Cloudlessthe first album, in 2009. Enchanting stardedicated to people who are no longer there but are part of the universe, they are stars.

“I’m not afraid of death”

Death is a fixation.
I’m not afraid of death, actually: I like to pay homage – both in the lyrics and in the tattoos – to those who have played a fundamental role in my life. To the list I would like to add Defend me forever And Pure love, emblematic of the bond with my audience, which I call “big family”. Damn, even this moves me … Today, ‘na traggedia … (smiles with shining eyes). My achievements are thanks to my people, who invariably held out their hand to me, ready to cheer me up. I’ve fallen several times, emotionally.

What do you mean?
At 22 I was small, “discovered” in a world too big for me, which did not belong to me: in Rome, where people rushed forward … I had lost my daily life in Lecce (wake up, show up at the shop, meet friends, have lunch with my grandmother on Sunday). I felt different, luckily I realized that I am capable of resisting in this environment even with my diversity. I was wasting my energies, today I channel them. (takes out a cigarette)

Do you smoke?
Eh, perfection and I are two distinct planets, but that’s okay: I’m learning acceptance. It took a pandemic and two and a half years of analysis, which I certainly do not abandon now: I define the psy (the psychologist, ed) “My brain fairy” seems to have a magic dust every time we talk to each other. He explains to me: you already have the tools, I give you the opportunity to see them and know how to use them.

Alessandra Amoroso

Alessandra achieved success in 2009 with the victory of the talent show Friends. Here with Maria De Filippi and the other finalists of the eighth edition: Luca Napoletano, Alice Bellagamba, e Valerio Scanu. Photo Ansa

Speaking of psychoanalysis: “I will bring my two souls to San Siro, Alessandra and Sandrina,” he said. Pirandelliano also this: the protagonist of Mrs Morli, one and twoEvelina, for someone she was Eva, for someone Lina …
The path of acceptance I mentioned helped me to understand that there is no Sandrina, as they called me in the family (the distracted, overly accommodating, melancholic and at the same time too full of enthusiasm, exaggerated), without Alessandra (the one who sings, glitter- sequin-reflectors; strong, never inappropriate). Then I realized that I put the limits on my own, Sandrina and Alessandra fought not understanding that one could not exist without the other, that one was the added value of the other. For a long time I have devalued myself.

A female evil.
Perhaps for the woman of the South even more: she must always be dedicated to sacrifice, she must necessarily find the man of life. A stress! She must be the perfect daughter, the perfect niece, the perfect friend, the perfect saleswoman, the perfect singer… I’m not perfect, Alessandra and Sandrina are both really cool!

And love, at this stage of life? Relationship gurus argue that when one is strong on her legs, the right one comes along.
Then it’s about to introduce itself! I am ready, because I am very strong on my legs. I don’t need a partner to be complete, I complete myself. Happiness has finally arrived. True happiness, the one that comes from myself, not from external events.

