Aleksi Valavuori hired a Lion fan to work

Iida Vainio will start on Aleksi Valavuori’s streaming channel as a sports presenter.

Aleksi Valavuori is a Finnish sports influencer. Pasi Liesimaa / IL

Lappeenranta resident Iida Vainio, 18, was on Monday receiving puck heroes arriving from the Beijing Olympics at the airport. Vainio attracted a lot of attention on social media and in the press with her spectacular dress.

Vainio wore a skinny golden sequin dress and high heels.

Iltalehti interviewed Vainio, who is studying media, and said that he dreamed of becoming a sports journalist.

– I like to watch different sports and I know a lot about sports. I might want to be a sports reporter someday, Vainio said.

Vainio will soon move to Tampere, where he is due to start working as a waitress in a restaurant. Vainio said yesterday he would work as a waitress until he got a job in the media industry.

– I’ll do it until I get a job in the media industry. I am interested in sports journalism.

Job found

Now it seems that Vainio has found a contract with a sports journalist.

Aleksi Valavuori, a sports influencer and media person, says that on Twitter he hired Valavuori LIVE’s sports editor for the discussion program he held on Vainio’s Twitch streaming service.

– Valavuori LIVE signed Iida with a 3-month try-out. Every Friday comes Iida’s sports corner (name may change) and completely free hands to let go. First time next Friday. Welcome to the gang Iida Vainio, Valavuori writes.

Valavuori further specified in Instagram that he had hired Vainio because of his brave attitude.

– If you pull in that Poker, perform that way and dare to go receive the Lion in that outfit, then you have earned the opportunity, Valavuori says.

Aleksi Valavuori in an interview with Iltalehti in 2017.
