Alejandro Fernández criticizes that the PP wants to speak with Junts for the investiture of Feijóo

The president of the PP in Catalonia, Alexander Fernandez, has assured today that his party should not talk with Junts in the face of parliamentary negotiations to invest the conservative leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo as Prime Minister. “Junts is my rival”, Fernández has published on Twitter (now X), where he has assured that the essential thesis is that “Spain is a dictatorship led by a fascist King with whom they refuse to speak”. “Someone tell me what to ‘talk’ about with them”

The PP has shown itself willing to talk, except with Bildu, with all the forces of Congress, including Junts, which has generated discomfort in certain sectors of the party, including the head of Catalonia. Today, in Soutomaior, Feijóo has made it clear that he will not be president “at any price & rdquor ;. “Speak yes, dialogue also, blackmail no, auctions no, submit to what the minorities want no & rdquor ;, he has warned. In fact, he has insisted that he will not accept “shortcuts & rdquor ;. “It is better to lose the investiture and that Spain does not lose & rdquor ;, he added.
