Alec Baldwin under fire for workplace safety comment | Stars

In the first few seconds of the video, it looks like the employee was the first to make physical contact. Although Alec seems not to have noticed this, because he writes in the video: “The man who works at the airport is the victim. He came to work to do his duty. The other man is guilty of assault in the workplace, where people are expected to be able to do their jobs safely. The bastard who did this to the employee should be banned from flying from now on.”

Remarkable, because the producers of the film Peace were reprimanded by the authorities because workplace safety was not in order. Baldwin is one of the film’s producers. In addition, the shooting incident that killed Halyna Hutchins is still under investigation and a number of civil lawsuits have been filed.

Baldwin’s comment is also widely criticized on Twitter. “Alec Baldwin is the last person on earth who should be speaking about this,” someone tweeted. And another writes: “Alec was drunk or hacked because he really can’t be talking about workplace safety.”

Below is a selection of the many responses:
