Alderman Miguel Ririhena van Tynaarlo has lunch with the royal couple in The Hague. ‘They are very casual and pleasant people’

Gold, marble and lackeys everywhere. Alderman Miguel Ririhena (GroenLinks) was amazed during the outstanding lunch at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague. As the best administrator of a small municipality, he was allowed to join the royal couple.

Hi Miguel, maybe a strange question, but what did you eat today?

“Haha, no cheese sandwich this time. I was allowed to join the king and queen at Noordeinde Palace for the lunch of excellence. That was very special, what a place that is. Very impressive. The food was also fantastic, we were served special dishes. Television chef Yvette van Boven was also there, who is making a new program about eating in the royal kitchen. So that was good.”

Who were you at the table with?

“I sat next to comedian Jochem Myjer, and Johan Remkes also sat at our table. A nice company. We mainly talked about our work, for example Myjer told about the ins and outs of a theater tour. But we also talked about politics.”

As a director of GroenLinks, are you not fundamentally opposed to the royal family?

“Absolute. We have a system in the Netherlands that I do not agree with. In my opinion, a head of state should not be designated by birthright. I thought the invitation to this lunch was separate from that, that is recognition for the work you have done. You only get an opportunity like this once, and it’s great fun to talk to the other ‘stars’. Incidentally, I was not the only politician from GroenLinks at lunch, alderman Ufuk Kâhya of Den Bosch was also there.”

Have you spoken to the royal couple yet?

“Queen Máxima joined our table halfway through lunch. I was able to speak to the king over coffee. I found them very approachable. You can tell that they have read in well with their guests, but the conversations were relaxed. I have already spoken to King Willem-Alexander at Schattenberg. They are casual and pleasant people, despite being in a palace. When you walk in there it makes an impression, with all that splendor, but I didn’t feel any barrier to having a nice conversation. You notice that they enjoy themselves.”

Did the visit make you question the monarchy?

“Certainly not. I am not a monarchist and never will be, but it was an experience I would not have wanted to miss. You really only experience this once.”
