Alcohol sales ban can be used in high-risk competitions AZ: no crates of beer in Alkmaar

Drinking in with crates of beer will soon no longer be an option in some high-risk competitions in and around the center of Alkmaar. Last night, the city council unanimously approved the proposal to enable a ban on the sale of alcohol during certain (European) high-risk duels in AZ.

The ban applies to supermarkets, not liquor stores, and is comparable to the sales ban that has been in effect since 2013 during King’s Night and Day in certain parts of Alkmaar.

“It’s not about an alcohol ban or prohibition,” said mayor Anja Schouten earlier. “We want to prevent cases of beer, glass or bottles from being taken to busy areas in the city, so that no extra alcohol abuse, dangerous situations or injuries arise. Everyone can drink a beer at cafés or festivals on King’s Day.”

Risk matches

And the ban can now also be used around football matches, but it does not apply as standard to every high-risk duel. A risk analysis is made before each match, the mayor explains in a memo to the council, so as to previous ambiguity about ‘what constitutes a risk match’.

After analyzing the home and away supporters, the interests of the match, playing time and possible other activities in the municipality, the Triangle – mayor, police and Public Prosecution Service – determines whether it is a risk duel and what measures are needed.

Safe and cosy

Think of transport arrangements (combi bus), area bans, an alcohol ban in the stadium, fewer supporters, or more drastic measures such as designating a safety risk area or emergency order, according to Schouten in her memo.

For most high-risk duels in the AZ stadium, a bus combination will suffice. But in some matches, for example against European clubs, more may be needed to keep the city safe and cosy, when large crowds of supporters flock here.

The temporary cessation of the sale of alcohol by supermarkets can now also be used by the mayor. She promises to inform the city council in advance when drastic measures, such as the alcohol ordinance, are applied for high-risk duels.
