Alberto Stegeman supports Samantha Steenwijk: ‘Tack Yvonne!’

Alberto Stegeman is one of the few media celebrities who thinks that Samantha Steenwijk has handled her argument with Yvonne Coldeweijer well. “That lawsuit was really cool!”


Samantha Steenwijk has ruined her own image by reacting extremely indignantly to a gossip about diet pills spread by Yvonne Coldeweijer. Was really about nothing, but Samantha turned it into such a huge legal spectacle that she is nowadays best known as the singer with the long toes.

Super cool

Even her colleagues at RTL Boulevard at the time thought Samantha’s reaction was exaggerated, but according to Alberto Stegeman she did the right thing. The whispering presenter of sensational programs expressed his appreciation for the singer in Shownieuws last night.

He thinks that Samantha has done a great job: “Look, Samantha Steenwijk has received a lot of criticism, such as: why did she do that in that lawsuit? Super cool! She was accused of losing weight because she used illegal diet pills. And Samantha says, ‘I didn’t.’”

“Choose the attack!”

Alberto, obviously not a PR expert, thinks it’s smart to blow up such a gossip to enormous proportions. “The moment you feel that you have been wrongly accused, there is also something about it: don’t lie under such a blanket for months, but choose the attack. I think she did well.”

He continues: “I don’t like how easily people are accused these days. There has to be more than just someone’s story. There must be supporting evidence.”

Short shrift

Couldn’t Samantha have handled it all a little more tactically? “The moment you say, ‘This is a lie and I’m being wrongly, falsely accused’, why not take it to court right away?”

Incidentally, Private boss Jan Uriot thinks that Samantha’s somewhat aggressive behavior comes from her wife Daisy. She would be the evil genius in Samantha’s entire PR strategy.
