Alberto Angela Announces New TV Show, ‘Noos’

TOlberto Angela has decided to return to television with a new programme: si will call Noos and will be broadcast this summer on Rai 1. It is almost useless to specify it: it will be an appointment that will take its cue from eternity superquarksan outreach program devised by his father, Peter Angelawhich has marked the history of our country.

Alberto Angela on his father Piero: «Smile and simplicity were his secrets»

Because his new program will be called Noos

The announcement came from his Instagram page: Alberto Angela will make a new scientific dissemination program. And it will be called Noos. «A few weeks ago I published a photo of a switch with the inscription “keep it on for a maximum of 9 minutes”, promising you the start of a new journey. I then told you that I had decided to pick up the torch of scientific dissemination left lit by my father with his programs and I announced the beginning of this new adventure».

And it went straight to the point. «Now it only remains to reveal the title of the new programme. As I anticipated, it will not be called SuperQuarksthat is Piero’s program and it will remain his forever. So I thought about what was the most suitable name and the solution came to my mind fondly remembering a detail of the program Journey to the Cosmoswhich my father and I made in 1998. In that program, my father traveled between planets and the cosmos in a spaceship. That spaceship was called Noos. Archaic form of the term “nous”, this word in ancient Greek had different shades of meaning but, essentially, meant “intellect”. And so, traveling with the intellect automatically leads to knowledge and knowledge».

The scientific popularizer and television presenter Piero Angela, who disappeared on August 13, 2022, together with his son Alberto Angela, in a photograph taken in the “Porta a Porta” studios, on June 26, 2019 in Rome. Credit: Massimo Di Vita/Massimo Di Vita Archive/Mondadori via Getty Images

Alberto Angela and the tribute «to my father’s explorations into knowledge»

Exactly for this reason, Alberto Angela has decided to give this name to his new program which should be broadcast in prime time on Rai 1 this summer. What program will it be? “It is a tribute to my father’s explorations of knowledge and, at the same time, represents the continuation of the travels in the interstellar space of knowledge”.

And again: «That button you saw was used to turn on the internal lights of one of the models of spaceships and space stations used in the studio filming of Journey to the Cosmos: due to the technology of the time, it could not remain in operation for more than 9 minutes to avoid overloading the electrical system. Today, fortunately, technologies allow us to do much better and achieve things that were unthinkable at the time».

Alberto Angela’s message to his audience ended like this. «It was a short step from that thought: the time has come to “turn on again”, but for “well over nine minutes”, the switch of the spaceship for a long journey in scientific dissemination. See you soon with Noos».

The memory of Alberto Angela in Fabio Fazio’s TV lounge: «Dad took things seriously but always with irony»

One month ago the conductor himself had been a guest of Fabio Fazio a What’s the weather like (before the Rai3 Sunday appointment was canceled by the Rai top management). And she had got to give away to the public some personal anecdotes which bind him to his father, who disappeared on August 13, 2022. «There is one thing that united all the images and that was her smile: that is the key, the secret» he had underlined.

Retracing the incredible television story of his father – who became a friend for many Italians, a “home” person, thanks to his numerous episodes with dissemination and culture at the center – he then added. «The artisan phase of the work is the fundamental thing, he has carried it out all his life. He didn’t write with his computer or cell phone, he always wrote by hand. Simplicity both in the words to explain and in the way of reasoning that allowed him to see very far is perhaps one of his secrets ».

Alberto Angela on his father Piero: «Smile and simplicity were his secrets»

Alberto Angela on his father Piero: «Smile and simplicity were his secrets»

«I asked Rai to withdraw the SuperQuark brand, as is done with the jerseys of the most loved players of a team»

The immense legacy that he left him led him to give up the idea of ​​continuing his father’s project under the brand with pride and respect superquarks. «It is, and will always remain, my father’s mark. It was his dress, the splendid vessel that he has steered for decades in the seas of learning. It’s only right that it stays with her forever. I asked Rai to withdraw this name, as is done with the shirts of a team’s most loved playershe had told Fabio Fazio with emotion.

And already on the occasion of that interview had revealed that a new program would arrive. Dedicated especially to the youngest. “Over many years, both my father and I met so many people almost dailyfrom those common to archaeologists, researchers, engineers, doctors, entrepreneurs, pilots and even astronauts who they told us: “I do this job because as a child I saw Piero’s dissemination programs”. It was those programs that showed them the path that they then decided to follow».

He concluded as follows: “The new program does not want to abandon all those girls and boys, girls and boys who are now in school and who, seeing this program, who knows, maybe, will decide to make choices, to take up a profession, to go in one direction in the life. Whatever it is. Not only with regard to school or university, but to be able to make a choice in everyday life with knowledge, using the intellect».

