Albert Verlinde buys three-ton patserbak: midlife crisis?

Albert Verlinde was photographed by paparazzo Edwin Smulders in his brand new car. According to the Story, it is a Bentley Continental GT with a price tag of no less than 334,633 euros.

Image: William Rutten

The 60-year-old Albert Verlinde has absolutely no problem displaying his enormous wealth. There is an extensive photo report this week in the Story from Albert in his new car. ‘Albert Verlinde enjoys being a millionaire’, headlines the magazine. “New Bentley worth a terrace house.”

Albert has money left

The Story is quite surprised that Albert has bought such an expensive car, because he has also just bought a new home. Albert is still Connie Witteman’s neighbor in Amsterdam’s PC Hooftstraat, but he is about to move to a luxurious new-build apartment in the Museum Quarter.

Price tag of the new location? No less than 3.8 million euros. “After purchasing a very expensive apartment, there was still some money left,” concludes the Story. “He enthusiastically took his grant so as not to become the laughing stock in the parking garage of his new residential complex.”

Bentley Continental

It is therefore a Bentley Continental GT worth 334,633 euros and according to the Story that car Albert is in good condition. The magazine’s paparazzo has already spotted him driving through Amsterdam. “Laughing broadly, but that makes sense with such a beautiful car under the ass.”

Critics will point out that these expensive cars are almost always driven by old, chubby men. Now Albert is one of those. Could he be having a delayed midlife crisis?

Three million euros

In any case, it is to be hoped that Albert’s new musical Diary of a Sheepdog does not end in a fiasco. This production, which is played in a specially built pop-up theater in Maastricht in May and June, is particularly expensive.

Albert in the Weekend: “Yes, it involves three million, so that is a lot of money. But I’m putting that off a bit. I try to find as many parties as possible that help a little and then things go well. I also think that the audience is waiting for this production. And then it is of course wonderful to notice, especially in these times, that people do indeed have confidence in it.”
