Albert Heijn breaks with Winston Gerschtanowitz: ‘Who’s next?’

Albert Heijn immediately terminates its collaboration with EarthToday, the discredited ‘charity’ of TV star Winston Gerschtanowitz. “We don’t agree with the business model.”


The image of Winston Gerschtanowitz has been badly damaged now that his ‘charity’ EarthToday has been exposed by the weekly Quote. He appears to have used both Beau van Erven Dorens and Jan Terlouw to promote a charity for the protection of nature, while they were not aware that there is a rock-solid revenue model behind it.

Albert Heijn stops

Albert Heijn is absolutely not convinced of the embarrassing TV appearance of Winston in the talk show of Eva Jinek. After being portrayed as a kind of pseudo-swindler by Angela de Jong, Johan Derksen and Youp van ‘t Hek, among others, the supermarket chain pulls its hands off Winston and his ‘charity’.

A spokesperson tells Quote: “We want to leave the world a better place and protect nature as much as possible. That is why Albert Heijn supports initiatives that are also committed to this. EarthToday’s initiative to stand up for the climate fits in with our ambition. However, we do not agree with the business model.”

big downer

According to Quote, it is a big downer for Winston and his cronies, who hope to generate an extreme profit by telling people that it is about protecting nature. Albert Heijn is organizing a festival at the end of this month and paying visitors would also receive an EarthToday certificate.

Winston and his friends already counted themselves rich. “At EarthToday, there was hope that this would be the prelude to a much larger collaboration. But that now turns out to be a vain hope.”

Who’s next?

Columnist Leon Verdonschot wonders who will be the next party to break with Winston. “I wonder if we’ll continue to see that cool boy grin of yours on posters with a golden briefcase, or if the Postcode Lotteries and SBSs of this world decide that you may no longer be the most suitable poster boy for charities.”

He writes in his New Revue-column: “Although it is also hilariously striking to see you again on a poster under the word ‘Miljoenenjacht’.”


Greenpeace charity meanwhile show very happy that they followed their gut feeling and did not go into business with EarthToday, despite all the sweet talk on that side.

According to Greenpeace, EarthToday never wanted to clarify what the rear is about. “They just really wanted our logo on EarthToday, but that’s really not who we are.”


In the meantime, Winston is very handy in doing nothing, says columnist Stéphanie Hoogenberk:
