Albert Heijn and trade unions agree on a new collective labor agreement

Albert Heijn and trade unions CNV and FNV have agreed on a new collective labor agreement. All employees in Albert Heijn distribution centers will receive a 10 percent wage increase. Temporary workers also get more certainty in their rosters. The surcharges for nights and weekends remain unchanged. In recent weeks, 1500 employees went on strike at five of the six distribution centers, including the one in Tilburg. Many Albert Heijn store shelves were therefore empty.

The unions wanted, among other things, a wage increase for all employees and that the working conditions for new employees would not deteriorate. These requirements have now been included in the new collective labor agreement.

New strikes will not be definitively over until union members approve the outcome of the latest negotiations. But because the main demands of the strikers have now been met, CNV expects them to do so. Members have until May 31 to vote or not.

Security temporary workers
The strike in front of the distribution center in Tilburg last week mainly involved many temporary workers. They wanted more roster security and said they felt less valued than their permanent colleagues.

From now on, temporary workers will receive their roster two weeks in advance. It can therefore no longer be exchanged. Temporary workers can then no longer be called off or forced to work other shifts. In addition, 100 permanent jobs will be added.


300 employees are on strike at the Albert Heijn distribution center in Tilburg

More and more empty shelves at Albert Heijn: ‘Just another store’
