Albania-Italy, Reja: “I’d like to get a positive result. I hope it ends 4-4”

In the press conference, the Albanian coach throws a spear in favor of Mancini: “With all the foreigners in the league it’s not easy to make a competitive national team, chapeau”

“Welcome Albania!”. Edy Reja spreads a smile when he enters the press room of the Air Albania Stadium (beautiful, even here I’m further on the facilities …). Facing Italy is a strong emotion even for someone like him who has sailed on all types of sea and who at 77 thought he had seen them all.

“I’m fond of Albania and you know it well – he replies to a local journalist – when he doesn’t play against Albania, I support Italy. I won’t be able to do it tomorrow, for obvious reasons. When the federal president told me that we would face Italy, I was very happy, I could not expect better. Playing against Italy even if in a friendly excites me particularly, when I hear the anthem of Italy and Albania I already know that I will certainly be moved. We hope to create problems for Italy, even if I think he will create more for us. I’d like to get a result, a 3-3 or 4-4 would be extraordinary, even if Berisha wouldn’t be so happy.”

the future of the Azzurri

The goalkeeper and captain of Albania, sitting next to him, in fact hints at a grimace. As an Italian, Reja regrets his absence from the World Cup, but takes Roberto Mancini’s side: “It’s a disappointment for everyone, Italy deserved to be there. I’m sorry for Italy and for Mancini. There are too many foreigners, this is the main problem, not the only one. Difficult to make a competitive team, Mancini managed it all the same: chapeau. Luckily, after the disappointment, the coach agreed to stay to continue the project, I’m sure he will very well. There is this Pafundi, a 2006 of which in my part, in Friuli, they speak very well, there are Miretti, Fagioli and many other young people behind it. Mancio is also working for the future. I even complimented him when he switched to a 3-5-2, with which he restored balance to the team. I used this formation in Naples 15 years ago and they said it didn’t work… it’s a system that has given me satisfaction, even here in Albania”.

probable lineup

This is how the opponents of the Azzurri should line up, even if Reja complains about too many absences (Cikalleshi, Balaj, Seferi have not been released by the clubs, Manaj, Strakosha, Cekici and Djimsiti are recovering from injury and have not been called up). “This is a test that will tell us the value of this team. I hope they take further steps forward. Beyond the result, I’m interested in the performance. The result is made up of episodes, let’s hope that maybe the episode turns in our favor “. Particular attention for Empoli’s Bajrami and Inter’s Asllani, but also for Chelsea’s young centre-forward Broja: “Bajrami and Asllani together? In the last home game against Israel, both were there. So I think they can play together They are two players who need certain balances around them. Bajrami is an attacking midfielder, Asllani is a low point play and not an interdictor. They need players who protect them in interdiction. Broja? He has quality but it’s early, the players must be evaluated with the time. He has the potential, but you don’t become a player right away. You’ve seen Tonali: extraordinary in Brescia, but the first year at Milan was difficult. You need an intermediate step, it’s not just one if he does well, he’s a phenomenon. In the greats club the criticism is immediate and depth is needed, the young person can get burned”.

Italians in Europe

Returning to Italy and the Italian teams, a judgment on the 3 qualified for the round of 16 of the Champions League: “The mentality has changed. We were recognized as defensive. Now I see Mourinho who is behind and restarting. The world has changed. Gasperini is the one who changed the mentality: he puts high pressure, even risking behind. We look more for a productive game, always with balance but mentally we have changed”.
