Alba Parietti remembers her partner Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea

Quello between Alba Parietti And Giuseppe Lanza of Scalea it was an intense love, capable of resisting even after the decision to separate after eight years. There showgirl dedicated to the noble from Palermo who died two years ago some very sweet wordsas he had done on other occasions in the past.

Alba Parietti and Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea at the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri in Rome for the wedding of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia with the French actress Clotilde Courau. Credit: DANILO SCHIAVELLA / ANSA / PAL

The love message on Instagram

A few days ago it would have been the birthday of Giuseppe Lanza of Scalea. So, Alba Parietti decided to give him a thought. A wish full of love, which he shared on his Instagram profile. «Dear Giuseppe, a few days ago it was your birthday. You have been an unforgettable life partner. There is no day when you don’t talk about yourself, you don’t remember yourself as a precious presence in my lifeHe began.

It’s still: “I think every day that whatever beautiful thing happens to me, is the work of your thought and accompany me with a caress on the path of life, giving me so many things that life itself had taken away from me ».

Now Alba Parietti61 years old, is romantically linked to Fabio Adami: it is with him that she is spending this summer, as she tells on her social networks every day.

Alba Parietti: “You are in my breath”

The Instagram post, which received a lot of comments, continues like this. “You are in my breath and as long as I have life you will be in my breath. Because loving each other, as we wanted, is and has been eternal. Out of conventions and roles, prejudices until the end of earthly life ».

The message ends with a final thought from the showgirl. “You are in every sunny day, in the people next to me who love and protect me, in the gestures of love and friendship, in the good news and in every sunny day. Hello wonderful Giuseppe ».

Among the comments to the post there is also that of Francesco Oppinison of Alba Parietti and Franco Oppini, with whom she was married from 1981 to 1997, the year in which the two divorced. Francesco Oppini in fact commented: “We all miss you”. And, soon after, also a red heart emoji. To testify to the deep bond that united them.

