Alba makes a mistake in Bonn and loses the fight for first place

Alba captain Luke Sikma tries to assert himself against Bonn's Javontae Hawkins

Alba captain Luke Sikma tries to assert himself against Bonn’s Javontae Hawkins Photo: picture alliance / Eibner press photo

From BZ/dpa

Alba Berlin probably lost the fight for first place after the round of points. On Tuesday evening, the Berliners lost in the top game to their direct pursuer Telekom Baskets Bonn 77:84 (38:46).

Alba now has two minus points more than the Rhinelanders, who are now leaders. And since Alba had only won the first leg 81:76, the direct one would also go to Bonn. In other words: Bonn would have to lose two more in their last four games. Best Berlin throwers were Jaleen Smith with 17 and Ben Lammers with 13 points.

Alba guard Jaleen Smith is attacked hard by Bonn's Javontae Hawkins

Alba guard Jaleen Smith is attacked hard by Bonn’s Javontae Hawkins Photo: picture alliance / Eibner press photo

The hosts put a lot of pressure on from the start, and Alba was able to hold on to the 3-2 lead. But then Bonn turned up the heat, defended very intensively and hardly gave the Berliners any good throwing opportunities.

The hosts slowly pulled away. Bonn didn’t hit many throws either, but Alba allowed too many offensive rebounds and thus second chances for the opponent.

Alba also lost the ball too much, allowing Bonn to pull away to 17 points at the beginning of the second quarter (34:17). The game remained hectic and very physical, especially on the part of the hosts. The trio of referees allowed a lot. Bonn knew how to use this more. Before the break, Alba caught up a bit and was able to close the gap again.

Even after the break, Bonn punished every mistake. Whenever Alba got a little closer, the hosts had an answer. But Alba fought and after an 11-0 run in the last quarter they were back on two points (71-73). But then they missed the equalizer and Bonn hit back again. Alba couldn’t counter that anymore.


Ben Lammers Jaleen Smith Telekom Baskets Bonn
