Alba Berlin tops the table again after beating Würzburg

Christ Koumadje (Alba Berlin) on the free throw

Christ Koumadje was the second best thrower in Berlin with 15 points Photo: picture alliance / photo booth | Photo booth / Reuhl

By Nicolas Sowa

Alba Berlin has regained the lead in the basketball Bundesliga. The defending champion outclassed the Würzburg Baskets on Wednesday evening in front of 7027 spectators with 76:47 (41:18).

With the sixth league victory in a row, Alba replaced the previous leaders Telekom Baskets Bonn. Best Berliners were Yovel Zoosman with 17 and Christ Koumadje with 15 points.

Both teams initially struggled to find their rhythm. Alba’s Jaleen Smith only scored the first points of the game after almost three minutes. After that it slowly got better – at least on the Berlin side.

The guests from Franconia had big problems against the very attentive and intensive defense of the hosts. They also rejected many throws.

Yovel Zoosman was the best Berlin thrower with 17 points

Yovel Zoosman was the best Berlin thrower with 17 points Photo: picture alliance / nordphoto GmbH / Engler

Alba already had a double-digit lead after the first quarter (19:9). Especially against the Berlin 2.21 meter giant Koumadje, Würzburg found no means. The center already scored 14 points in the first half. The hosts were able to pull away to 23 points by half-time.

With a secure lead behind them, Alba shifted down a few gears after the break, but Würzburg was unable to benefit from this.

In the middle of the third quarter, the lead had grown to 30 points (51:21). The hosts then easily brought the victory against overwhelmed Würzburg to the finish line.


