Alan Arkin died at 89: he won the Oscar for Little Miss Sunshine

A long career in cinema, great artistic versatility and social commitment. He dies at 89 years old

Audrey Hepburn, Johnny Depp and Julia Roberts. They are just some of the names they have crossed the set with Alan Arkin, died at the age of 89. Celebrated American actor, director and musician, Arkin is best known for receiving four nominations for theOscars and for winning the award for best supporting actor in 2007 for his interpretation in Little Miss Sunshine. The news was confirmed by his sons Adam, Matthew and Anthony, who, through a concise press release, wanted to remember the artistic and human talent of the father. “Our father was a force of nature with a unique talent, both as an artist and as a man” they wrote, without however specifying the cause of death.

life and career

Arkin was born in Brooklyn in 1934 and began his career as a member of the celebrated comedy troupe Second City of Chicago. His first major role was in the film The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming (1966) by Norman Jewison, which earned him his first Oscar nomination. In the next film, The eyes of the night (1967), starred opposite ad Audrey Hepburn in the role of an unscrupulous crook. Although he has participated in numerous successful films, such as Edward scissor hands (1990), Americans (1992) and Gattaca (1997), the pinnacle of his career came thanks to the role of the irresistible grandfather with drug problems who accompanies his granddaughter to a beauty contest in California in Little Miss Sunshine (2006). For this interpretation has won the Oscar as best supporting actor, in addition to the BAFTA and al Golden Globes. Later he took part in the Oscar-winning film for best picture in 2013, Argondirected by and starring Ben Affleck, in which he played a film producer involved in a daring rescue operation of some American hostages in Iran. But Arkin was not only a great actor: he was also a director, screenwriter, producer, author, singer and songwriter. He directed four films between 1969 and 1982, including Little Murders (1971), a black comedy based on a play by Jules Feiffer. He wrote several screenplays, including that of the film The Russians are coming, the Russians are comingand published several books, including some for children. She also has composed songs for some of his films and for other artists, such as Harry Belafonte. She had three wives and three children, all actors: Adam Arkin, Matthew Arkin and Anthony Arkin. In recent years, Arkin has turned to television and starred in series The Kominsky method aired on Netflix from 2018 to 2021, in which she appears alongside Michael Douglas. In the series, created by Chuck Lorre, she played the role of Norman Newlanderan elderly film agent friend of the protagonist.

social commitment

Arkin has participated in numerous demonstrations against war in Vietnam, supporting the pacifist movement and spending personally for social justice. In addition, you have given your support to the movement for i civil rights. Alan Arkin was a complete artist, able to move with ease from comedy to drama, from musical to thriller, from arthouse to commercial cinema. He left a indelible mark in the history of American cinema and theater, and has given unforgettable moments with his skill and his charisma.
