Al for more than 475 million euros written on the state receipt: “It can be the largest financial operation in Belgium” | Instagram VTM NIEUWS

Vanaf vandaag can be inscribed on the new state receipt, which amounts to 2.81 percent net. That can be done by the banks, but also by the right-hand tree by the agent manager of the debt, that the state receipt is issued.

The first inscription for the service of the Grootboeken – that is the service of the chattist was mensen Rechtstreek can intekenen – charges al one minute in the middle of the night, communicated to Jean Deboutte, director of the agentschap of the fault.

KIJK. Does he still have a state receipt with a higher interest?

By the end of the day before 08.00 he was al 1.582 inscriptions for a sum of 66.400.000 euros. “Een vlotte start”, aldus de topman van het agentschap van de Schuld.

At the same time, he was al 4,659 inscriptions for a cost of 177 million euros. Now the amount is open to 475 million euros, so it is confirmed that it will be published on our website.

“It can be the largest financial operation in the divorce of Belgium”, writes ‘De Tijd’ in.

With the staatsbon hoopt de regering de Banken ertoe aan te zetten de Rente op de spaarboekjes op te trekken.
