Al 300,000 soldiers were killed in 7,155 burgers: it was 1 year after the dawn in Oekraïne | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

One year on the Russian invalid in Oekraïne is the tol van de oorlog torenhoog. On the front line the Russian troops lost the largest, with about 200,000 doden and wound. Aan Oekraïense kant zouden het he 100,000 zijn. Around 12,000 tanks were lost, compared to 3,000 tanks. Also, the burger population was never saved: 7,155 burgers lived at the height of the month and ran for 13.4 million mensen sloegen op de vlucht. An overstatement.

Koen Van De Sype

24-02-23, 08:00

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