Al 1,700 Oekraïense vluchtelingen as a workshop inscribed by VDAB | landlocked

In the case of up to 1,700 Oekraïense vluchtelingen, there is a requirement for the VDAB to work as a workshop. This is reported by the cabinet of Flemish Minister of Works Jo Brouns (CD&V).

“Vlaanderen wants to encourage all available talents to get a job”, says Brouns. “So there are no incomes from vluchtelingen, there are also structures in perspective.”

Brouns will be able to collect letters from the labor market in some cases. “De Vlaamse labor market state on fire. Tegelijk raises the institute of Oekraïense vluchtelingen. We’ll try to make the ‘match’.”

“Vluchtelingen afkomstig uit Oekraïne will graag in ons land aan de slag”, says Brouns nog. “Ze zijn hoogopgeleid, maar speak amper Netherlands. A minority speaks of Engels. Because we iets aan doen.”

Vanuit de Vlaamse Regering zijn he middleen vrijgemaakt, specifiek voor taal- en jobcoachingtrajecten in de Dienstenchequesector. Bedrijven can daar gratis a beroep op doen and been agreed on if he effectief use van te maken.
