Akwasi is out of the Smartest Person after a turbulent week: ‘It’s bizarre’

Akwasi is out of De Slimste Mens after four episodes – he was played by Peter Heerschop. The rapper has received a lot of support in the past week, while the other is critical.


One thing is certain: the racist reactions that Akwasi received during his participation in De Slimste Mens are reprehensible. But on the other hand, there are also many critics who point out the rapper’s own missteps. For example, JA21 politician Annabel Nanninga believes that he should not have participated in this hit show on NPO 1 in the first place.

‘It’s bizarre’

Annabel has no problem whatsoever with the fact that Akwasi was taken home last night by fellow candidate Peter Heerschop. “It is bizarre that the public broadcaster is still doing business with him. The calls for violence and physical aggression have already been forgotten in the media park?” she writes X.

Broadcasters in particular should not simply forget what Akwasi did during an interview with NPO Radio 1, Annabel believes. She is always ready to stop the NPO caravan, especially when Akwasi is on board. “Aggressively taking away laptops and threatening and demanding that an interview not be broadcast is simply violence against the press.”


Critics like Bart Nijman currently share one collage of all the objectionable tweets Akwasi has posted in the past, such as: “Or of course just blow up the steamer with a few torpedoes. From below. Nobody sees that. Timberrrrrr.” And: “What do I provoke if I kill a black man?”

VVD celebrity Klaas Dijkhoff: “I once got pissed off about certain tweets from Akwasi. Now the racist crap makes me angry and sad. It can all be so beautiful if we are a little nicer to each other.”


Klaas, together with other former winners of De Slimste Mens, has one statement signed in which Akwasi is encouraged. Rob Goossens thinks that is laughable. “I assume that the Je Suis Akwasi stuff is a joke?” the RTL Boulevard star writes on X.

According to Rob, it is a bit exaggerated that some people are suddenly withdrawing from X. “If you look at those nasty reactions to Akwasi, I understand that he is saying: ‘Just give my share to Fikkie.’ At the same time: welcome to the Internet. You also have to wear high boots on Facebook to find your way through the muck,” he says in Boulevard.


An item from Nieuwsuur:
