Aki Kaurismäki’s film competes in the main series of the Cannes Film Festival

Aki Kaurismäki’s film Dead leaves selected for the main competition series of the Cannes Film Festival.

Aki Kaurismäki’s film competes in Cannes. PDO

Aki Kaurismäki’s new film Dead leaves has been selected for the main competition series at the Cannes Film Festival in May. A gentle tragicomedy tells the story of two lonely people who meet each other by chance in the night of Helsinki (Alma Pöysti and Jussi Vatanen) about trying to find the first, only and last love of his life.

The Cannes Film Festival takes place from 16 to 27 May 2023.

The love film filmed in Helsinki is the fourth part of Kaurismäki’s workers’ trilogy (Shadows in Paradise, Ariel and Tulitiktehtaa’s girl). It is Kaurismäki’s 20th feature film and his fifth film selected for the main competition at the Cannes Film Festival.

Kaurismäki’s films have previously been seen in the series Far away the clouds flee (1996), Man without a past (2002; Grand Prix Award), The lights of Laitakaupunki (2006) and Le Havre (2011). Also movies Shadows in Paradise (1986) and Hold on to the scarf, Tatjana (1994) has been shown in the Quinzaine des réalisateurs screening series at the Cannes Film Festival.

The film Fallen Leaves was produced by Sputnik and Bufo together with Pandora Film. The film will have its nationwide cinema premiere in Finland in the fall of 2023.
